For a very long time, private tutoring has been a huge profit-seeking business in China. However, with time, the major problem of overloading learners with huge amounts of homework and after-school tutoring programmes has become a big issue now. Thus, the General Office of State Council and the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee released a report that addresses this.
The Dual Alleviation policy, published on 28 July 2021 discusses the private tutoring aspect. The policy also announced some new rules excluding for-profit tutoring in core school subjects to ease monetary pressures on families. In this context, some new regulations and new regulatory bodies for the private tutoring sector have been moulded.
The major purpose behind this is to make private tutoring a part of a healthy education system and not to shut down the whole tutoring industry broadly.
What are these new regulations?
The State Council has banned the following:
Certainly, the impact has been instant and overwhelming to several Chinese ed-tech schools that offer core subject after school tutoring. While some schools have already shut their doors, others are hysterically looking at ways they can bring their business in line with the new regulations.
Whales English have stopped using foreign teachers. It is a challenging time for everyone in the online ESL industry. However, just try to remember, there is a big wide world out there! Try to understand the rules and you will see they haven’t banned overseas teachers who are in China.
Furthermore, if you do want to teach English online, then check out the numerous companies that are based in other countries. Do your research and look at different companies that you think suit your requirements.
Eligibility Requirements to Teach English in China
To teach English in China, you will need a Z visa. There are certain criteria that you need to meet ---
Don’t worry… your employer will help you through this process. If you don’t have a TEFL /TESOL then you still have some time to get one. We strongly suggest you a 120-hour TEFL certification. Ensure that the course is globally accredited, has quality content and a system for confirming qualifications by future employers.
Moreover, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, numerous Chinese provinces have stopped issuing PU letters to prospective teachers. PU is a letter of invitation that you’ll get from your potential employer. It is your ticket to the Z Visa.
However, while China is tightening rules for private tutoring, the US is stepping it up. There are currently hundreds of jobs abroad for Indians available online and a variety of other subjects too. Check Skooli, Preply, Proximity Learning, Stones2Milestones and BlaBla EdTech. There are a lot of ESL teaching opportunities to be found if you do your research well.