All Country Information

All Country Information

There are regular flights from all over the world to India. There are plenty of flights from UK and USA to various cities of this country. The cost of a roundtrip ticket between the UK and India countries starts from about US$560 and about US$1500 from US. Low fares for tickets can be found on the following websites:

From time to time, there are special promotions on flights into India. So, do check these websites to see if you can avail these promotions.
Kolkata and Cochin all have their own international airports is connected by various parts of world.
The international airports in the different locations where Asian College of Teachers will conduct its TEFL course in India are :

  • Kolkata - Netaji Subash International Airport
  • Cochin- Cochin International Airport

The major two banks of India are the Reserve Bank of India and the State Bank of India. India is a country where there are both nationalized banks and private banks. The services in the private banks are better than their nationalized counterparts. There are ATMs in all the major cities in India of all the premier banks. Visa, MasterCard and Amex are all compatible in the ATMs in India. The banks are open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

Not all the ATMs in India accept the cards of foreign banks so it is always better to confirm before. However, the ATM branches of the Hong Kong Banks and the Bank of America accept foreign ATM cards. You will only get Indian rupees from the ATMs here.

The credit and debit cards can be used in hotels, travel agencies, shops and commercial offices in India.

    Some of the foreign banks operating in India are
  • Bank of America
  • Deutsche Bank
  • American Express International Banking Corporation
  • Banque National De Paris
  • ANZ Grindlays Bank Limited
  • ABN Amro Bank
  • HSBC Bank
    Some major banks in Cochin and phone number are given below
  • State Bank of India - 2248 9331
  • Bank of America - 2242 2424
  • HSBC Limited - 2220 1833
  • American Express International Banking - 2248 0621
    Some major banks in Cochin and phone number are given below
  • ANZ Grindlays Bank - 2361301
  • Bank of India-- 2353683
  • HDFC Bank-- 2380371
  • Oman International Bank- 2370507

The eligible TESOL candidates successfully completing the TEFL course from India will be given an opportunity of paid or unpaid internship in various locations of India or Thailand. In India, the eligible teachers will be given an internship of three months and in Thailand the internship is for two months. The teachers are paid Rs.10, 000 in India and 10,000 THB in Thailand. There is also an option of volunteer internship in Thailand and India for the valuable teaching experience. Accommodation is free during internship.

In India and Thailand, the teachers are given immense respect and while teaching here you can experience the same. In Thailand, the teachers will be placed mostly in the rural areas of Thailand. The wonderful scenery of the Thai villages, its exotic culture and amiable people will make your stay here something to remember all your life. Accommodation will be given to the teachers free of cost by the schools in both Thailand and India. It can be an apartment or a home stay. Homes in India or Thailand may not have all the western amenities and facilities. In Thailand, there are no kitchens in the apartments; however, you can find plenty of restaurants and eateries.

In India, the teachers will be placed in schools, language training institutes or corporate offices. The students can be either kids or adults in case of India.

In Thailand, the ESL job placements will be given to the teachers in the schools where they will have to work with Thai kids.
Teaching English as second language in countries like India and Thailand can be challenging and rewarding at the same time.

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House Rents India: house rents might vary with the cities and towns in India. However, for a good apartment one has to pay about Rs.9000 per month approximately.

Water Cost : in some of the metro cities in India, you will have to pay a water bill, which may be something around Rs.500 to 1000 per month.

Electricity Cost is not very high in India but it definitely depends on the usage and electric appliances. The cost may vary between Rs.500 to 2000 per month.
There are various types of hotels in India. The range of hotels starts from Rs800 and goes up to Rs.8000 per night.
Eating out is quite cheap in India as an average vegetarian meal will cost about Rs.50 to 100 and a non-vegetarian meal will be around Rs.100 to 300. You can get a good pizza in India for just Rs.250.
Food items in India are also quite cheap and you can get your months supply of vegetables and fruits for just Rs.1000.

Cost of Living for TEFL trainees in Kolkata
Kolkata is not at all an expensive city to live in. Food in Kolkata will cost about Rs150 to 200 per day, which is just 3-4 USD. The transportation cost in Kolkata is also quite cheap.

Cost of Living for TEFL trainees in Cochin
Cochin is a big city in Kerala and the cost of living like most cities in India are moderate. As accommodation is provided by the ACT to its TEFL trainees, the students can live comfortably for two weeks with just rupees 5 thousand.

India is a huge country divided in 25 states and each state has its unique culture. This country probably has one of the richest history and culture in the world. The diversity and exotic ness of Indian culture reflects in its festivals, art forms and social occasions. There are about 415 different languages, which are spoken in India and the most widely used ones are Hindi and English. India is a secular country with people of all religions residing in it. Majority of Indian population are Hindus followed by the Muslims, comprising almost 14% of the total populace.

Society:the most important institution in Indian society is the family. Families are very close knit in India and even now the many joint family exists. Joint families are when about three generations stay together under the same roof. After marriage the woman takes her husband's name and goes to stay with her in laws. Arranged marriages are still very common in India unlike any other parts of the world.

Clothing:Traditional Indian clothing is very common in India all though in the cities you will find western clothes. Indo - western clothing is the latest trend in India now.

Food: another most important part of the culture of India. It is part of every function and occasions. The wonderful spices of India and the exquisite taste of its food have crossed continents now.

Literature: Literature of India has made its mark world wide. Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian to receive a Nobel for literature. Indians have not only produced literature in the regional language but in recent times many Indian authors have written popular books in English language.

Dance and Music: In India, there are various forms of classical dances which are very popular. Western dances are also becoming popular with the younger generation. Like forms of dances, there are various genres of Classical music in India. Bollywood music has gained significant popularity in India and it is part of the everyday culture of the Indians.
Asian College of Teachers conducts their TEFL course is three most exotic locations in India, which are also famous tourist destinations. India is a large country with huge diversity. The culture, cuisine and traditions of Kerala, Ahmedabad and Kolkata are completely different and the trainees will be able to enjoy it thoroughly.

Kerala : is a beautiful state in southern part of India, with very rich culture. This state has Hindus, Muslims and Christians and the culture of each religion blends together into a fantastic mix. The trainees can see here some of the greatest Hindu architectures and participate in the unique festivals. The festival of Onam in Kerala brings together all the religions together. The other festivities of Kerala also bring the religions together.

The currency used in India is the Indian Rupees. All the currency notes in India are issued from the Reserve Bank of India and there are also coins till 5 rupees.

For conversion rates, from other currencies to Indian rupees log on to:

There will be no deduction of salary in case of internship in India or Thailand. Deductions will be applicable only if the candidates take a job in Thailand for four to five months

There is no tax deduction from the allowances given to the ESL teachers in India or Thailand for the internship.

Visitors from the western countries can come to India with a tourist visa which is valid for at least six months. The TESOL candidates can do the TEFL course in Kolkata and complete the internship in India within these six months. If the teachers choose to go to Thailand after doing the TEFL course in Kolkata, they have to get a tourist visa, which is valid for ninety days. As the internship in Thailand is only for two months, a tourist visa will be enough for the teachers.

After the internship, if the ESL teachers want to take up English teaching job in Thailand he or she has to get a Non Immigrant B Visa. For this the teachers have to go for a Visa Run in Laos. The Non Immigrant B Visa is required for getting a work permit in Thailand.

Students in India: The ESL teachers in India have to teach both adults and kids. The placements can be in schools, language institutes or in corporate offices. In India, most people have good knowledge of English for its long colonial past. So be sure to know your grammar and pronunciations well before taking up teaching internship in India. You might be given the responsibility of training the corporate officials in English language, which can be intimidating as all of them are trained professionals. While teaching in India, the teachers will get lots of respect from the students.

Students in Thailand: In Thailand, the ESL teachers of Asian College of Teachers will be placed in the rural areas of the country. It will be a very rewarding experience to work with Thai kids and also challenging to an extent. You will be the only source of learning English for the Thai kids so it responsibility and preciseness will be expected.

Indian Food is no longer Indian any more. It has crossed continents and has become a favorite cuisine of people around the world. However, there is nothing like Indian food in India. Like the cultural diversity, you will also find various types of food in the Indian market. Each state of India has something different to offer. However, one common factor among all Indian foods is that they are very spicy. Different kinds of spices are used in the preparation to enhance the flavor. In India, you will find good vegetarian food as well as the non-vegetarian food. Beef is not very commonly found in the Indian restaurants. There are restaurants all over the country especially in the big cities. Some recommended Indian dishes are Biriyani, Dosa, Chaats, Tandoori Chicken, Pao Bhaji, Fish Curry and the sweets of Bengal. Like the restaurants, you can have a good meal at the roadside eateries. Make sure that those are clean and never have water from the street. Street food in big in India and these are not too bad.

Government of India: India has democratic country with a multi party system. The President is the de jure head of India and the Prime Minister is the de facto head.

Capital of India: The capital city of India is New Delhi and its three other main cities are Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

Geography : India is surrounded by sea on three sides, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. The north of India is bordered by Himalayas. Chiba, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are the neighbors of India.

Language : there are numerous languages in India and the most commonly used regional language is Hindi. English is the other language, which is widely used in India especially in the cities.

Currency : The currency of India is Indian rupees.

Etiquettes : Always eat with you r right hand. Do not enter a temple or anyone's home with shoes on. Greet the elders and the teachers. Do not wear revealing clothes.

Clothing : India is an extremely hot country so cotton clothes are most suitable. Bring an umbrella or a waterproof for the rainy seasons. Winters can be quite cold in northern India so bring your woolens with you.

India is an extremely colorful country with variety of festivals to be experienced and explored. The festivals of India are as unique and vibrant as the country itself. The festivity and pomp of most of the festivals in India are exceptionally high and when millions of people come out to celebrate it the occasion becomes an event. The TESOL trainees of Asian College of Teachers can experience the festivities of Southern, eastern and western India as the courses take place in Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Kerala. There are all types of festivities in India both religious and cultural. The same festival some time is celebrated in different name and different vigor all over India. The most popular of the Indian festivals, which is celebrated in almost all parts of the country, is Holi and Diwali. Holi, is the festival of colors and Diwali the festival of lights.

Festivals of Kerala

Kerala is a gorgeous country where people of various religions stay in complete harmony. The festivals are usually celebrated by everyone. Onam is the most significant festival of Kerala and it occurs each year in the month of August or September when the harvest take place. The other festival, which is celebrated by everybody, is the Vallamkali or the boat race. Some of the other unique festivals of Kerala are Vishu and Thiruvathira.

Festivals of Kolkata

Kolkata is the 'city of joy' and it can be best experienced during the festivals in this city. People of Kolkata is extremely spirited and they enjoy all festivals to the core be it Id, Christmas or their very own Durga Puja. The city of Kolkata is mostly famous for the Durga Puja, which is a five days long madness. Millions of people have fun, visit relatives and go pandal hopping all night long. The energy and the splendor drive everyone crazy during those days.

Language : there are numerous languages in India and the most commonly used regional language is Hindi. English is the other language, which is widely used in India especially in the cities.

Festivals of Ahmedabad The currency of India is Indian rupees.

Ahmedabad is the cultural headquarter of Gujarat. The most unique among all festivals in this city is the Kite Festival or Uttarayan. It is celebrated each year on 14th January and 15th January. The sky of Ahmedabad on this very day is adorned with various types of colorful flights. Navaratri, Rath Yatra, Holi and Diwali are also celebrated in Ahmedabad with great valor like most parts of India.

In India, there are twenty-five states and each state have their unique language. Even the people of India, do not know the languages of other states as they are completely different dialects. The common national language in India, however, is Hindi. In all parts of India, people understand Hindi, though in Southern India you will find less usage of this language. English is very commonly used and known especially in the cities of India. While communicating in the offices, in the restaurants or hotels, English is used widely. However, the knowledge of English is mostly limited to educated men from the cities.

The metro cities in India have exuberant and exciting nightlife. Nightlife is also very exciting in the tourist's destinations of this country like, Goa. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata and Pune are the best cities to enjoy time after sun down. The drinking age in India is also not same everywhere so be careful. There are numerous pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants around the major cities. However, nightlife in India starts early and ends early in most of the cities except Kolkata, where the party continues till early morning. In India, you will be able to find resto- bars or resto-pubs in all the major cities. These are actually restaurants and bars operating together. Drinking is not a very popular part of Indian culture so it is hard to find good bars and most of them are very up market.

After sundown many cultural functions take place in many parts of India, which are very enjoyable. In most of the cities there are big malls and cinema halls where people congregate to pass time in the evening. Bollywood films are very popular all over India and are a big part of Indian nightlife.

There are hospitals all over India. In the big cities, you can find some of the best treatments in the world.

    The list of good hospitals in India
  • Apollo Hospital, Chennai
  • All Indian Institute of Medical Science, Delhi
  • Bombay Hospital, Mumbai
  • Lilavati Hospital Mumbai
  • Mother Hospital Private Limited, Thrissur

List of Hospitals in Kolkata

B.C.Roy Memorial Hospital for children 111, Narkeldanga Main Road, Kankugachi, Calcutta - 54
Ph : 3528101

City Dental College & Hospital 241, B.B.Ganguly Street, Bow Bazar, Calcutta 12
Ph : 2275916

Behala Balananda Bramhachari Hospital 151 & 153 , D.H.Road, Behala, Calcutta 34
Ph : 2478-1687

Bellview 9 Dr. Umanath Brahmachari St. Calcutta - 17
Ph : 247 2321/6925/7473

Bengal Cancer Institute & Hospital 145A, Sarat Bose Road, Kalighat, Calcutta 26
Ph : 24758178

Calcutta Corp. T.B. Hospital Boral Main Road, Garia 72-1240

Chittaranjan National Cancer Research Center 37 S.P.Mukherjee Road, Calcutta 26
Ph : 2475-5608/9313

Kumud Sankar Roy TB Hospital Jadavpur Calcutta 32
Ph : 2412 3502/2202

Kothari Medical Center 8/3 Alipore Road, Calcutta 700027
Ph : 2456 7050..59

S.S.K.M.Hospital ( P G Hospital ) 224, A.J.C. Bose Road, Calcutta 20
Ph : 223 9692/6026

Ramkrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan (Sishumangal) 99, Sarat Bose Road, Calcutta 26
Ph : 24753636/8/9

Sree Aurobinda Seva Kendra 1N, Gariahat Road, Calcutta 68
Ph : 2473-3601

Wockhardt Hospital & Kidney Institute. 111-A, Rash Behari Avenue, Kolkata

Assembly of God Church Hospital & Research Center 125/1, Park Street, Calcutta - 16 2493128
Ph : 2290169/9836

Asharam Bhiwaniwala Hospital 55 Kali Krishna Tagore St, Barabazar, Calcutta 7
Ph : 22395887

Bangur Institute of Neurology 52/1A, Sambhunath Pandit Street, Calcutta 25
Ph : 223-2235/2768

CEden Hospital ( inside Medical College) 88 College Street, Calcutta 73
Ph : 2414901

Eden Hospital ( inside Medical College) 88 College Street, Calcutta 73
Ph : 2414901

Islamia Hospital 73 C R Ave, Calcutta 12 94 Park Street, Calcutta 17
Ph : 278737 /2806487

Medical College Hospital 88, College St, Calcutta 73
Ph : 241 4901/3992

Nilaratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Sealdah
Ph : 44-3213,28-8421

Apollo Gleneagles Hospital 58, Canal Circular Road, Kolkata - 700054
Ph : 23203040

Anandlok CK 44, Salt Lake city, Calcutta 91
Ph : 359 0742 or 337 7750

B.C.Roy Polio Clinic & Hospital for crippled children 38, Badan Roy Lane, Beliaghata, Calcutta 10
Ph : 23501969

Eastern Medical & Research Institute Salt Lake City, Kolkata.

Ruby General Hospital E M Bypass, Kasba, Calcutta 78
Ph : 442 0291/6091

Peerless Hosp. & B.K.Roy Research Centre E.M.Bypass, 360 Panchasayar, Garia, Calcutta 84
Ph : 2462 2394/2462

B.M.Birla Heart Research Centre 1/1, National Library Avenue,
Calcutta : 27 456 7001-9

Calcutta Hospital 7/2, Diamond Harbor Road,
Calcutta : 27 479-1921/1801/1802

West Bank Hospital. Andul Road. Howrah, Kolkata.

Tourism in India is growing with leaps and bounds in the past few decades. Visitors from all over the country come to this beautiful pristine land with so much diversity and exotic culture. India has something for everybody and it is really impossible to explore this gorgeous country completely in a matter of few days. Some major tourist destinations in India are listed below.

Goa :Goa is the most favored tourist destinations of India. The golden beaches of Goa, its crystal clear water and the wonderful churches, feel like paradise. The culture of Goa is also very westernized and you will find some of the best resorts in the country in this place. It is best to visit Goa during the winter months and during the time of the carnival.

Kerala :Kerala is absolutely 'God's Own Country'. The wonderful backwaters of this state, the exotic flora and fauna of the Western Ghats and the reserve forests, colorful festivals and the amiable people attract numerous tourists from all corners of the world.

Rajasthan :Rajasthan is the land of sandy deserts, enchanting castles, the mystic maharajas and the striking camels. It is the most colorful and vibrant states of India. Apart from the wonderful landscapes, what fascinates the most are the amazing people of Rajasthan.

North East India :North eastern part of India is truly endowed by Mother Nature. The wonderful rainforests, the hills covered with clouds, the rare species of flora and fauna and the ever smiling people of the regions will mesmerize you. Do visit the lush green tea estates in this region.

India is a very big country with diverse landscape. Some parts of the southern India, which is nearer to the equator, are hotter than the northern part. Regions in North India, which are close to the Himalayas, are always cold due to the high altitude. Overall speaking India is a warm country. The summer temperatures in some parts of India rises around 45 degree Celsius. The summer months in India start from March and continue until May or June and it is followed by the monsoons. The winter season in India, is also very varied, in the coastal regions and south of the country, the temperature hardly drops below 16 degree Celsius but northern India suffers bitter winters. In the higher altitudes, there is snowfall during winters. The best tourist's season in India is from September to March.

India is a very big country with diverse landscape. Some parts of the southern India, which is nearer to the equator, are hotter than the northern part. Regions in North India, which are close to the Himalayas, are always cold due to the high altitude. Overall speaking India is a warm country. The summer temperatures in some parts of India rises around 45 degree Celsius. The summer months in India start from March and continue until May or June and it is followed by the monsoons. The winter season in India, is also very varied, in the coastal regions and south of the country, the temperature hardly drops below 16 degree Celsius but northern India suffers bitter winters. In the higher altitudes, there is snowfall during winters. The best tourist's season in India is from September to March.

There are various modes of transportation in the cities of India. All the main Indian cities and towns of India are connected by air. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai are the four metro cities of India, which are well connected with each other. Domestic flights are however expensive in India. The Indian Railways is like a lifeline of this country and is connects every nooks and corner of India. It is cheap, efficient and comfortable. There are long distance trains as well as trains for short routes (intercity). Some areas of India can only be reached by train and not flights, especially the rural areas. India has the highest population density and the traffic in the cities will make you realize it. The traffic is frantic and there are huge traffic jams on the city roads. In the city, the best ways to travel are by taxis, buses, trains and auto rickshaws. Metro is only present Kolkata and Delhi. Bus service in most of the Indian cities and towns are good. There are also taxis in most of the cities and if you do not find one hop on a auto rickshaw, which are like small tuktuks. Traveling short distances in trains can be very uncomfortable if you do not have any reservations. The intercity trains are extremely crowded; however, for longer journey you will not face this problem. There are numerous car rentals all around the country and you can hire a car and a driver for quite reasonable rate.

    You should take the following things along with you while visiting India.
  • small backpacks rather than huge ones
  • light cotton clothes
  • light waterproof
  • bring decent long clothes
  • sweater and jackets (incase in North India during Winter)
  • pair of sandals (as you have to take off your shoes before entering homes or religious places)
  • Dental Floss
  • Shaving Cream
  • Lotion for insect bites
  • Ear Plugs
  • Mosquito Repellent
  • Sunscreen and sun block
  • Towels
  • Water Purification Device
  • Pocket Knife
  • Flash Light
  • Money Belt
  • Sunglasses
  • Good Combination lock
  • Plug Adaptors
    The vaccinations, which are useful before visiting India, are:
  • Polio
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Rabies

India is a malaria prone country. So take necessary precautions along with you to prevent this disease.
Routine vaccinations like tetanus, influenza, MMR and DPT are also recommended before visiting India.


Asian College of Teachers (ACT) undertakes a continuous review of its teacher training courses to ensure imparting high quality education. However, there might be circumstances outside of ACT’s control which might affect its stakeholders like if you are planning to teach in a different country, applying for a teaching license, pursuing higher studies or trying to get the certificate approved by the Ministry of Education (MoE) of a particular country then you can do so with the certificate issued by Asian College of Teachers (ACT). However, each country’s Ministry of Education (MoE) or educational bodies set certain standards that are indispensable for the pursuit of higher studies or teaching in schools in that country. So it can be a possibility that you may be able to use the certificate for higher studies or teaching purposes in one country and not in another. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you investigate thoroughly and check with the relevant authorities regarding the acceptance of the certificate issued by us before you enrol on a particular course. ACT strives to offer high-quality education and its certificates can be valuable for various purposes internationally, but still it is crucial for individuals to verify the specific recognition of the certificate in the country they intend to use it, especially for formal education or professional licensing purposes. This approach ensures that the stakeholders make informed decisions regarding their educational and career paths.

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